Islam, unlike other faiths, is not only entirely compatible with extraterrestrial life, but actually supports and encourages such a theory.
First, before we continue, we must understand one key matter of Qur'anic terminology.
When the Qur'an is speaking of "heaven" as it is commonly known, the term Paradise (Jannah in Arabic), is used. When the Qur'an is speaking of the universe, ironically, the term Heavens (Sama in Arabic) is used. This must be explained because many people have claimed it speaks of Angels in Paradise, not of creatures in the universe.
Lets look at some examples of this.
Verse 47:6 says
>And He will admit them into Paradise - they have been made familiar with it.
With the Arabic being
>wa yudkhiluhumul jan-nata ‘Ar-rafahaa lahum
And verse 42:29 says
>Among His proofs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He spreads in them. He is able to summon them, when He wills.
With the Arabic being
>wa min aayaatihii khalqus samaawaati wal arDi wa maa bath-tha fiyhimaa min daab-bah* wa huwa 'Alaa jam'Ihim idhaa yashaau qadiyr
Verse 2:35 says
>We said, "O Adam, live with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom generously, as you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you sin."
And the Arabic is
>Wa Qulna Ya 'Adamu Askun 'Anta Wa Zawjuka Al-Jannata Wa Kula Minha Raghadaan Haythu Shi'tuma Wa La Taqraba Hadhihi Ash-Shajarata Fatakuna Mina Až-Žalimina
Verse 21:30 says
>Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? Verse 21:30 says
With the Arabic being
>a walam yaral-ladhiyna kafaruu an-nas samaawaati wal arDa kaanataa ratqan fa fataqnaahumaa* wa ja'Alnaa minal maai kul-la shay'in Hayy* afalaa yu'minuun
Verse 16:32 says
>Those whose souls the angels remove in a state of purity, saying, "Peace be upon you - enter Paradise, the reward of your deeds."
The Arabic is
>al-ladhiyna tatawaf-faahumul malaaikatu Tay-yibiyna yaquuluuna salaamun 'Alaykumudkhulul jan-nata bimaa kuntum ta'Åmaluun
Verse 16:3 says
>He created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose. He is much too High, far above any idols they set up.
The Arabic is
>khalaqas samaawaati wal arDa bil Haqq* ta'AAlaa 'Am-maa yushrikuun
Verse 3:133 is a perfect example because we see Paradise and Heaven in the same verse, which also clarifies that they are not the same thing in Islam.>And rush towards forgiveness from your Lord, and towards a Paradise that can hold all the heavens and the earth in its width - prepared for the pious.
The Arabic is
>wa saari'UU ilaa magfiratim mir rab-bikum wa jan-natin 'ArDuhas samaawaatu wal arDu u'Id-dat lil mut-taqiyn
So there is a clear distinct separation between Paradise and the heavens, the heavens, refers to the universe, Paradise refers to what is commonly known as heaven in the English language.
This is also confirmed by the famous Islamic scholar Muhammad Asad ","In the Quran,the expression "the heavens and earth" invariably denotes the universe in its entirety."
Now that this is understood, we can proceed to understanding the Qur'an on ET life without any confusion between Paradise and the universe.
First, we come to this verse.
>[42:29] Among His proofs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He spreads in them. He is able to summon them, when He wills.
This verse states that God has spread creatures through out the universe and the earth. This confirms life outside of earth.This next verse again confirms the same.
>[30:26] To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on earth: all are devoutly obedient to Him.
This verse is clearly telling us that there are beings in the universe.The next verse confirms that life outside of Earth not only exists, but is intelligent.
>[27:65] Say, "No one in the heavens and the earth knows the future except God. They do not even perceive how or when they will be resurrected."
The verse says that nobody in the universe and our planet knows the future except God. If there was not Intelligent life outside of Earth, there would be no need to state that nobody in the universe knows the future except God. Therefore there are intelligent creatures in the universe which ponder over the future, but do not know.This next verse also confirms ET life.
>[24:41] Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies God, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. God is fully aware of everything they do.
If life outside Earth did not exist, this verse would not say that every one in the universe glorifies God. This verse clearly explains that life, in particular sentient beings, as shown by the use of "everyone", exist within the universe outside of Earth.These next three verses deal with space travel. (Note how the Qur'an revealed the possibility of space travel 1400 years ago)
>[55:33] O you jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the outer limits of the sky and the earth, go ahead and penetrate. You cannot penetrate without authorization.
>[55:34] Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny?
>[55:35] You get bombarded with projectiles of fire and metal, and you cannot win.
These verses tell us that we can achieve space travel, however only with the authorization of God, or else the ship will be destroyed by projectiles of fire and metal. Seeing as we have achieved space travel, it seems God has given us Authorization.The next verses again deal with space travel.
>[29:21] He condemns to retribution whomever He wills, and showers His mercy upon whomever He wills. Ultimately, to Him you will be turned over.
>[29:22] None of you can escape from these facts, on earth or in the heaven, and you have none beside God as a Lord and Master.
The verses state you cannot escape from Gods retribution whether on earth or if you take a space ship into the universe, God is everywhere in Space, you cannot escape his Judgement by leaving earth.The next verse deals with space transportation.
>[16:8] And horses, and mules, and donkeys so that you may ride them, and for adornment; and He will create what you do not know *. (* All modern means of transport - by air, sea, land and even in space - evidence this.)
According to this verse, God will give us means of transportation which we do not know yet, we now have Cars and Planes, something they did not known at the time of revelation, and maybe in the future we will be given intergalactic space ships. Of course, humanity invented and invents such things, but through the authority of God.
These next verses explain that God is the lord of all space.
>[45:36] To God belongs all praise; Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth, Lord of the universe.
>[1:2] Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
The very second line of the first chapter of the Qur'an, proclaims that God is the Lord of the Worlds. This means other planets, but with the previous information, heavily implies that he is the Lord of life on these worlds.So to conclude, Islam is not a religion against alien life, Islam is a religion which wholeheartedly supports alien life, and actually confirms it to exist. And we must remember, despite misconceptions and despite the Qur'an obviously being geared to us humans, no where in the Qur'an does it claim that we Humans are the only life in the universe, nor the only intelligent life. We must also remember that the Qur'an describes how we were made, but it does not describe how we look, so aliens may be made of the same materials, but look different to us. It is perfectly compatible with Islam that when "humanity" fell from Grace we were scattered not only on Earth but onto many planets of the Universe in different bodily forms. And because the Qur'an states that intelligent beings are to be judged [17:71], the aliens would be judged on their deeds all the same. The Heaven and Hell of Islam will include humans and aliens amongst one another.